Stuart Marcus
Founder and CSO
Stuart pioneered the development of Photodynamic Therapy Systems, with multiple FDA approved drug-device combination products (Levulan Kerastick + BLU-U and Photofrin + Laser), including over 30 years of experience with ALA. He was previously the founding VP, Scientific Affairs and CMO of DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (acquired by Sun Pharma), Director, Hematology/Oncology, at Daichi Pharmaceuticals, Group Director, Anti-neoplastic drugs, at Lederle Labs, and Assistant Attending Physician in the Department of Oncology, Montefiore Medical Center.

Stuart pioneered the development of Photodynamic Therapy Systems, with multiple FDA approved drug-device combination products (Levulan Kerastick + BLU-U and Photofrin + Laser), including over 30 years of experience with ALA. He was previously the founding VP, Scientific Affairs and CMO of DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (acquired by Sun Pharma), Director, Hematology/Oncology, at Daichi Pharmaceuticals, Group Director, Anti-neoplastic drugs, at Lederle Labs, and Assistant Attending Physician in the Department of Oncology, Montefiore Medical Center.